
Community-Driven Change – Agile 2018

I had the utmost privilege and honor to be a speaker and part of Agile 2018 (the biggest of its kind). Shawn and I have presented Community-Driven Change. It was a great experience to present amongst the thought leaders of Agile and Lean world. I enjoyed sharing my learnings, thoughts, and breakthroughs via communities.

We have presented on the first day of the conference, for an enthusiastic audience. It was so surreal for me as we were standing and speaking at the same spot Jeff Sutherland was speaking a session just before us.

You can find the slides embedded below, and also on the Agile 2018 website (you need to be a member, it’s free!)

Community Driven Change – Agile 2018 from Shahin Sheidaei

The Abstract:

Many organizations flatten management structure when they transform to agile. It soon becomes obvious that important activities done by managers are still needed. A community can fill these gaps. They can provide morale, governance, learning, and mentorship, recruiting and hiring, mutual support, coordination, sharing, innovation and more! Unfortunately few companies manage to create a strong community. Even fewer empower that community to fill these gaps. This means they are missing the ultimate benefit of community: a strong, empowered community can transform the organization itself! Join Shahin and Shawn in this interactive session to explore communities in organizations. Examine the benefits of building great communities. Learn how to spark the community, and how to support it as it evolves. Hear stories of communities empowered to improve the organization. Learn how to make a community into a driver of positive change.

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